Weighted Lunge with Glute Lift
Beginning in forward lunge position, front knee on top of ankle, back knee reaching straight down toward the ground. Add a weighted bar for added resistance. Be sure this bar is not placed directly on your spine, but rather on the muscle across your back. Push off the ground from the rear leg, until that leg reaches a position parallel to the ground, while your upper body maintains a forward motion, chin and chest up, supporting the weighted bar. Challenge yourself by lowering back to the ground directly into the lunge, and repeating on the same leg. Switch sides after completing a set to fatigue.
Adductor Ball Drop
Begin with legs straight up, ball firmly squeezed between your feet. As you release your legs to the side, let the ball drop straight down, catching it with your hands. As soon as you catch the ball, immediately release the ball back up, as you pull your legs together. Once your feet make contact with the ball, contract all of the muscles along your inner leg to maintain a firm grip on the ball. Release and repeat.
Squat Jump
Begin with feet straddling a bench, knees bent. In one motion, jump up until feet land on bench, allowing knees to bend into a squat position. As you extend up from the squat, power jump back down to the ground, straddling the bench, and squat on the ground. When you jump either up or down, be sure knees are always soft, and landing should be quiet.
Forward Lunge
Step forward, stabilizing your body on the stance (supporting) leg. Avoid any sideways tilting or swaying in your upper body and try not to move the stance (supporting) foot. As you lunge forward, focus more on dropping your hips towards the floor rather than driving your hips forward. This will help control the amount of forward movement of your shinbone over your foot. Continue lowering your body to a comfortable position or until your front thigh becomes parallel with the floor and your tibia (shinbone) is in a slight forward lean. While lunging, simultaneously, bend forward at your hips, maintaining a flat back. Be sure that your front knee is aligned on top of your ankle, and your back knee is drawn to the floor and a right angle.
Glute Press
Begin kneeling on the floor, hands directly under your shoulders, knees at a 90-degree angle. Lift one leg so that the foot is flexed to the ceiling and knee is bent at 90-degrees. Maintaining this position, contract the glutes and press the flexed foot toward the ceiling. Maintain as many reps as you can until you reach fatigue. Repeat on opposite side.
Rear Deltoid Seated Pull with Tube
Begin seated with XerTube under feet. Adjust the resistance of the tube by widening the distance between your legs, and/or criss-crossing your tube. Grip the XerTube and pull with both arms simultaneously straight back so that your elbows are shoulder height, and stop when they have reached the point perpendicular to your body, squeezing shoulder blades together. Release the tubes forward while maintaining an upright posture and resistance. Repeat.
Rear Deltoid Press
Beginning either kneeling or standing, knees or feet, hip distance apart. Begin with weights in hand and arms at a 90-degree angle. Keeping your shoulders stable and relaxed, open your arms wide toward the back, squeezing the shoulder blades together. Resist as you pull your arms back together to start.