Side Twist Shoulder Suspension
Starting with one dumbbell in both hands straight in front of your chest, feet hip distance apart. Keeping your hips square to the front, rotate from the obliques to one side, maintaining a shoulder suspension, parallel to the ground. Return to center, and twist to the opposite side.
Overhead Plié Double Press
Begin holding one dumbbell in front of chest with both hands, elbows firmly in toward your side. Legs begin in a plié position. As you push the dumbbell straight up overhead, body lowers to deepen the plié. Bend elbows and return upper body to starting position, while raising up with the legs, still maintaining a plié positioning.
Overhead Press
Begin kneeling or standing, knees or feet hip distance apart. Begin with arms out to the side, forming a 90-degree angle at the elbow. Simultaneously extend both arms overhead until arms are straight overhead, with a slight bend in the elbow. Return back to 90-degree angle.
Suspended Shoulder Forward Push
Begin with feet hip-distance apart, dumbbells in each hand. Elbows pulled back even with shoulder height and parallel to the floor. From this starting point, simultaneously push both arms forward crossing one arm over the other when arms are in a full extension. Retract arms back to starting position and extend again, with opposite arm on top. Continue alternating top arm upon extension.
Double Arm Row with Squat
Beginning with feet wide, XerTube firmly under both feet with tube criss-crossed. Grabbing each end of the tube while keeping your back upright, pull equally with both shoulders/arms until elbows have reached shoulder height. Return to starting position with resistance and maintain upright posture on the release.
Stir the Pot
Standing with feet hip-distance apart. Holding a weighted bar, one hand gripping the bar at shoulder height, one arm at waist height. Extend both arms straight out and begin to circle over to the opposite shoulder, maintaining the bar suspension. Reverse the movement back to start. Stay with the same hand on top/bottom to complete one set, and then reverse grips, and start again.